How do I choose the phone model?

The first time you need to choose the desired product (access it) and then you will be able to choose the phone model.

THE KIT 2.0 - GLASS FILM with included applicator - dust free

$18.00 $27.00

Folie De Sticla Iphone - Folie De STICLA Securizata IPhone - PREMIUM
Folie De Sticla Iphone - Folie De STICLA Securizata IPhone - PREMIUM

iPhone secured GLASS film - PREMIUM


Folie De Sticla Iphone - Folie De Sticla 3D Cu Kit De Instalare Pentru IPhone (1 Folie)
Folie De Sticla Iphone - Folie De Sticla 3D Cu Kit De Instalare Pentru IPhone (1 Folie)

3D glass foil with Installation Kit for iPhone (1 foil)

$19.00 $33.00